My rediculously good-looking husband turns 28 on the 5th! Brandon, how is it that you get better looking with age?(not that I mind or anything!)Happy Birthday! We love you!--Elise, Andy, and Maddex.
I've been tagged by Tosh to do a hubby tag, so I thought I'd just squish these two posts into one. They kinda fit together anyway!
1. Where did you meet your husband? Well, I kind of new who he was because I would go watch my brother play baseball & they played together, but I would say that we officially met on our first date! Brandon saw me in wheelers, and called me up!
2. How long did you date before you got married? 3 days shy of 2 years.
3.How long have you been married? 5 years on the 17th of April.
4.What does he do that surprises you? Well he always suprises me with random things like, "honey, get in the car, we're going to get a puppy!" He comes up with random things and has to do them.
5.What is your favorite feature of his? His big beautiful eyes & his sexy fat lips!
6.What is his best quality? He's friendly, outgoing, has a BIG heart & is a GREAT father. (ok, that was more than one!)
7.Does he have a nickname for you? Leesie or babe
8.What is his favorite food? Prime rib & crab
9.What is his favorite sport? BASEBALL!!!
10.When & where did you first kiss? 2nd date. My driveway.
11. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Fishing, camping, & softball. (He plays, I watch!)
12. Do you have any children? Yes! Two boys!
13. Does he have any hidden talents? He can blow bubbles...from his mouth. yes you read that correctly. He is a human bubble blower. Real's something you just have to see.
14. How old is he? 28 in 3 days!
15. Who said "I love you" first? He did!
16. What is his favorite music? Rock
17. What do you most admire about him? He's just a truely GOOD PERSON with a GOOD HEART.
18. What is his favorite color? Black
19. Will he read this? Yes!!!
20. Who do you tag? Steph. (You've got to do it Steph!!)