Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tagged..letter A

Tosha tagged me with the letter A. I have to list ten of my favorite things that start with the letter A.....

1. Andrew (my intelligent & funny 3 yr. old)
2. April ( the month Brandon & I were married)
3. Apostles ( the men who give us the greatest examples)
4. Anti-bacterial hand soap ( a mommy-must-have)
5. All in the Family ( the old TV show) (gotta love Archie Bunker!)
6. Automobiles (nice ones!)
7. American Idol
8. Alone time (what all mommies crave) ( alone time includes the hubby!)
9. After shave( Brandon's smells super sexy!!)
10. Aerobics (this is a love/hate relationship!)

Well, that wasn't too bad. I now have my chance to get back at you Trista--I give you the letter P, Kelli the letter M, and Lacey the letter X....just kidding...the letter R! ENJOY!!

1 comment:

Thunderbay said...

Hey Girly,
I loved reading your post you are so creative. I have to admit I love Andy too. I don't know what I would do without my cute nephews. They are so much fun!!! They need to come play at my house because I miss them...