Friday, March 20, 2009

I've Been Tagged...

Ok. Here are the rules:
List 10 honest things about yourself--and make it interesting--even if you have
to dig deep. Then pass this tag onto 7 other bloggers.
Ok, here goes.

1. I've never been horse back riding.(unless you count the one minute pony ride at the state fair, you know the one were they walk around in a circle. I don't think that counts)
2. If I laugh too hard, cough too hard, sneeze too hard or jump on a trampoline, I WILL PEE MY PANTS. (thanks to giving birth with the help of forcepts, then giving birth AGAIN only 14 Months after that!)
3. I've never flown on an airplane. ( Hope this will change in the near fututre)
4. Growing up, you would very, VERY seldom hear any form of cuss word cross my lips...until I got a husband & children. (they have the tendancy to bring the worst, along with the best, out of you. ( Don't worry, it's not the worst swearwords out there, and it's only on occasion one slips through my mouth. I am working to overcome this bad habit!)
5. I am TERRIFIED OF CLOWNS OR ANY PERSON DRESSED UP TO WHERE YOU CANT SEE THEIR FACE. Take me to Disney land, and I'll be dodging the toon characters like they've got a chain saw in one hand & a machette in the other.
6. I always have a song in my head. ALWAYS. The current tune bouncing between my ears: "Hello" by Lionel Richie.
7. I can be EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL. You tell me one "sort of" sad story and I may break down in tears(depending on the day). Anyone ever seen the movie "P.S. I Love You"? Ya, I did. I cried for three days. Every time my husband came within arms reach of me, I would cling to him and make him promise me he wouldn't die. ( I know...very irrational...we all will die someday)
8. I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN PEOPLE BRAG ON THEMSELVES. This just shows that you really don't feel good enough about yourself, and you are actually accomplishiing the opposite of what your trying to achieve. Have you ever noticed that those who receive the most compliments are those who are the most humble? (f.y.i. it's okay to brag on others...thats a different story)
9. I am a sucker for 80's rock bands.
10. I have a tendency to be shy or backward to those I don't know well. But once you break through my shell, I'm not at all. It's something I need to work more outgoing and friendly.

I Tag: Tosh, Amber, Jenni, Julia, Kali, Judy & Kristi. Have fun girls!


Kelli said...

elise...I will need to get you and your boys on a horse. I have plenty to share and I think they would love it.

JJ&K said...

I've known you were emotional, but not that emotional! You are cute! I'll make sure to get my post done soon!!! Thanks again for the fun at Bunko's!!!

Trista said...

Yea I think PS I Love You brought out the craziness in all my married friends too. You are not alone.

tikichikadee said...

"If peeing your pants is cool, then consider me Miles Davis."

Papworth's said...

That was fun!! Some of those I kinda already knew and some I did not! I did know that sweet little Elise was emotional, bless your heart. I hope brandon is very gentle with you. You need to get yourself on an airplane, not to go to Disneyland though of course! I'll get mine posted soon!

Thunderbay said...

I love this post I didn't realize I had been tagged until today. I am so DUMB!!! I still remember the movie P.S. I Love You we cried and cried. Don't worry I am emotional too I still cry when I think about the movie.

Thunderbay said...

Your blog background is soooo cute. I love it!