Sunday, November 8, 2009


This year for halloween Andy was a "cowboy sheriff", Maddex was his favorite character "Mickey Mouse", Brandon was Satan & I was Satan's mistress(it's safe to say,we were a weird bunch). This was the first time I've ever dressed up as something evil, and I must admit, it was kinda fun to be the bad guy for once. We bought some freaky contacts. Brandon's were the freakiest. It took me a while before I could look at him for more than an instant of a second. We had our annual pumkin carving party at my parents house the night before halloween. On halloween, we took our kids trick or treating, and afterwards we went to a halloween party that Kev & Tosh threw. It was way fun. Sadly, I didn't take pics, but my sis-in-law Amy did, so if you would like to see some cool couples costumes, you can visit her & Dev's blog.


Sheena said...

Your kids are adorable! It looks like you guys had a really fun Halloween! Scott and I missed out case we both had the flu. No fun for us. LOL

The Jacobson Family said...

Wow those are some evil eyes, I love them and the costumes, you guys all look so good.

Papworth's said...

Cute cute boys!! Looks like you guys had tons of fun!! Also,CONGRATULATIONS!! Hooray for baby number 3 on the way!! I'm sorry you're sick! How awful it must be to have swine flu with pregnancy, and scary! I hope you're fighting it all ok! Oh the things we do for these precious, wonderful little guys!! I'm so excited for you guys to add to your already adorable family! I hope you will feel better soon and it doesn't last the whole time with this one, let's especially hope the swine flu at least will go away!

Thunderbay said...

Oh I can't wait until next Halloween :) The boys costumes were sooo cute. I loved both yours and Brandon's costumes this year they were AWESOME!!!! Hey Brandon left his pitchfork at my house ha ha ha.